Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Day 23
My Mommy.
She is crazy and unconventional. But I wouldnt be me if she wasnt her.
She loves me, and she knows me. She knows me so well, that she checks to see what my color theme is for Christmas so she can get matching wrapping paper because she knows I CANNOT stand for things not to match. LOVE her for that.
She is crazy and unconventional. But I wouldnt be me if she wasnt her.
She loves me, and she knows me. She knows me so well, that she checks to see what my color theme is for Christmas so she can get matching wrapping paper because she knows I CANNOT stand for things not to match. LOVE her for that.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Day 20
Marriage. My Marriage more specifically.
7 years ago I became Mrs. Fultz. We thought we were so grown...and looking back I can see we were just silly kids who were crazy crazy in love. We came into this union with very few examples of what a marriage should be. So even though we were stumbling blindly through it, making it up as we go along, I think we have been doing a pretty good job. We are more crazy in love. We are still best friends. It is still us against the world, only now us has grown from 2 to 6. I would still choose him, even on his worst day over any other man in this world. I am so thankful for the life we have built...the journey it has taken us on. ..and for where the future will take us.
7 years ago I became Mrs. Fultz. We thought we were so grown...and looking back I can see we were just silly kids who were crazy crazy in love. We came into this union with very few examples of what a marriage should be. So even though we were stumbling blindly through it, making it up as we go along, I think we have been doing a pretty good job. We are more crazy in love. We are still best friends. It is still us against the world, only now us has grown from 2 to 6. I would still choose him, even on his worst day over any other man in this world. I am so thankful for the life we have built...the journey it has taken us on. ..and for where the future will take us.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Days 17, 18, 19
17- Books, for being my friend thru this crazy journey.
18- Bedtime...oh bedtime, Today I am so thankful you came today BEFORE I totally lost my mind
19- Music, when I cant put how I am feeling in words...there is always a song that hits it on the head. or takes me to a happy place, or reminds me of things I have forgotten.
18- Bedtime...oh bedtime, Today I am so thankful you came today BEFORE I totally lost my mind
19- Music, when I cant put how I am feeling in words...there is always a song that hits it on the head. or takes me to a happy place, or reminds me of things I have forgotten.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Days 16
10, Cailin for her strong will and sense of self
11, Reegan and her bright and sunny self
12, Kieryn and her warm and compassionate heart
13, Adysen for her big smile and bigger personality
14, cuddly dinner and movie nights with my girlies
15, thoughtful unexpected gifts
16, books, books, books,
11, Reegan and her bright and sunny self
12, Kieryn and her warm and compassionate heart
13, Adysen for her big smile and bigger personality
14, cuddly dinner and movie nights with my girlies
15, thoughtful unexpected gifts
16, books, books, books,
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Day7, 8, 9
Day 7
Quiet productive mornings....
Day 8
Friends you can count on no matter what. I have been lucky to collect a handful throughout my life's journey.
Day 9
The CHALLENGES of motherhood. Big or small. They keep me growing and humble
Quiet productive mornings....
Day 8
Friends you can count on no matter what. I have been lucky to collect a handful throughout my life's journey.
Day 9
The CHALLENGES of motherhood. Big or small. They keep me growing and humble
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Day 4
Yes, Texas. For still believing in family and friends. for wholesomeness and good shopping. friendly faces of strangers. warm sunny fall days. and a new beginning. a place to call home.
Yes, Texas. For still believing in family and friends. for wholesomeness and good shopping. friendly faces of strangers. warm sunny fall days. and a new beginning. a place to call home.
Day 3
not just the one i created... the crazy camp i came from, the friends who have become my chosen one.
i would be lost without it ( even if i wish some would get lost sometimes)
not just the one i created... the crazy camp i came from, the friends who have become my chosen one.
i would be lost without it ( even if i wish some would get lost sometimes)
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Day 2
my baby girls...
Motherhood has changed me and my life so still changing me every single day.
Motherhood has changed me and my life so still changing me every single day.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
30 days of Thankful...Day1
Lets start with a BIG one.
My husband Garrett.
for being my best friend, the love of my life. the father of my babies. For making me laugh, letting me cry, knowing what I need before i do sometimes. for riding this crazy ride. and making me fall in love with him over and over again.
My husband Garrett.
for being my best friend, the love of my life. the father of my babies. For making me laugh, letting me cry, knowing what I need before i do sometimes. for riding this crazy ride. and making me fall in love with him over and over again.
Monday, October 24, 2011
And that ended that....
Its OFFICIAL. The voice has left me. I dunno if it is for good, but for now, there is no more baby voice. In the last 18 months I have witnessed more tragedies involving babies of people in my life than I have in the nearly 30 years prior. I am reminded to be grateful for the 4 perfect babies that were gifted to me. How lucky I am, because the road here was not smooth. It was full of heartbreak, and yet for others it is so much worse....I am so humbled, so grateful, so truly blessed. So I am going to focus on what I have and not long for more....
Friday, October 21, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Maybe if I say it outloud, it will pass...
I admit it. I have baby on the brain. It started as a tiny whisper, but it has grown bigger and BIGGER over the last few months. I was PRETTY sure my child bearing days were behind me. BUT now I am not so sure...... We arent doing anything crazy (thank you Mirena for making me be REALLY sure) but maybe just maybe.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
When Reegan grows up....
I think she is going to be a photographer (just like you Miss Rebecca :)) She took these photos. I might just have to stop scolding her for touching my camera and get her her very own.
Monday, October 3, 2011
I may have lost MANY battles, but I have FINALLY won the war!!
The key to any successful marriage is to make your partner think it was their idea first. I dunno who told me that but it was the truest statement I was ever told about marriage ( the SECOND being: you dont just marry your spouse you marry theie WHOLE family...but that is a WHOLE other blog post:) ).
I have been hounding my darling hubby FOREVER about buying organic, increasing our veggie intake etc, etc. I am PROUD to say I have finally won. Thank you INSANITY and Mr. White for helping G see the light. Even if he feels like he made the choice for things to change, I am still chalking this up as a win for me.
Happy healthy future and diets!! Yay!!!
I have been hounding my darling hubby FOREVER about buying organic, increasing our veggie intake etc, etc. I am PROUD to say I have finally won. Thank you INSANITY and Mr. White for helping G see the light. Even if he feels like he made the choice for things to change, I am still chalking this up as a win for me.
Happy healthy future and diets!! Yay!!!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
It's an EMOTIONAL week.
I feel like a crazy person. I have cried everyday this week. I am watching my "story" come to an end. And its hard. HARD. I have spent 5 hours a week for nearly 6 years with the people of Pine Valley. I will truly miss it. All My Children has been part of my routine since I entered the world of mommyhood, it has carried me thru the isolation that full time parenting sometimes brings.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
The Ground Beef Story.
Life with girls, or life with MY girls at least cannot be much different than life with boys.
This morning I smelled a MYSTERIOUS aka disgusting, unidentifiable ( i almost wish I hadnt identifed it) rotten sour smell in our den. wait, strike that. in the KIDS DEN, Mommy and Daddy now have our own living room ( i need to post pics, i LOVE my new couch and love seat). I ripped that bad boy apart, COMPLETELY. I tore the covers off the cushions ( they needed to be washed anyhow) I moved all the furniture to one side of the room ( i was a woman on a mission) I drug the area rugs out side for some sunshine, i could not find it ( i even smelt myself to be sure it wasnt me, it wasnt). Puzzled, baffled but not defeated I walked to the entertainment center and decided I would organize it while I thought of other sources. I opended the drawers and the stench smacked me in the face. I look down on the shelf and i find a ziploc baggie of once frozen ground beef sitting there. I quickly snatch it up and take it to the trash and grab my lysol arsenol to clean up the smell and mess. OH. MY. GOODNESS. Once again motherhood is not for the weak, and especially not for the weak stomached.
Now for the back story, and the reason why I am not mad... 2 nights ago Cai and Deegs were wrestiling, not fighting, really wrestling...practicing to become UFC fighters in the future wrestling ( i told you they are like lil boys) Deegs hand got squished and cai ever graciously went to find her a cupcake ice pack...but there wasnt one in the freezer ( they were not frozen from some previous episode of a boo boo) Being the smart, quick, considerate, problem solver she is, she grabs this baggy of ground beef and gives it to Reegan. All is well in the world.
Shame on me for forgetting all about this MIA bag of ground beef. I will be investing in some more icepacks.
This morning I smelled a MYSTERIOUS aka disgusting, unidentifiable ( i almost wish I hadnt identifed it) rotten sour smell in our den. wait, strike that. in the KIDS DEN, Mommy and Daddy now have our own living room ( i need to post pics, i LOVE my new couch and love seat). I ripped that bad boy apart, COMPLETELY. I tore the covers off the cushions ( they needed to be washed anyhow) I moved all the furniture to one side of the room ( i was a woman on a mission) I drug the area rugs out side for some sunshine, i could not find it ( i even smelt myself to be sure it wasnt me, it wasnt). Puzzled, baffled but not defeated I walked to the entertainment center and decided I would organize it while I thought of other sources. I opended the drawers and the stench smacked me in the face. I look down on the shelf and i find a ziploc baggie of once frozen ground beef sitting there. I quickly snatch it up and take it to the trash and grab my lysol arsenol to clean up the smell and mess. OH. MY. GOODNESS. Once again motherhood is not for the weak, and especially not for the weak stomached.
Now for the back story, and the reason why I am not mad... 2 nights ago Cai and Deegs were wrestiling, not fighting, really wrestling...practicing to become UFC fighters in the future wrestling ( i told you they are like lil boys) Deegs hand got squished and cai ever graciously went to find her a cupcake ice pack...but there wasnt one in the freezer ( they were not frozen from some previous episode of a boo boo) Being the smart, quick, considerate, problem solver she is, she grabs this baggy of ground beef and gives it to Reegan. All is well in the world.
Shame on me for forgetting all about this MIA bag of ground beef. I will be investing in some more icepacks.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Shellac, I LOVE you.
So, I had just about given up on nail polish. I'm a mom and well I wash my hands 10 gazillion times a day. I cannnot have acrylic, wrap, what have you nails anymore. Too much maintenance and once again I am a mom and long fingernails seem to get in the way or stab kiddies in the eyes (yes, this has happened, multiple times). So i have just opted for a good ole buff to keep em shiny, and even that turns out to be too much work sometimes, have I mentioned I am a mom, a mom of 4?? :):):) BUT i love the look of a nice well kept short mainicure. Lindsey at gave such rave reviews about her Shellac pedicure ( she claimed her pedicure lasted over a month with no chipping),someone else said the manicure lasts and lasts.... I decided to try it. i got both the mani and pedi ( Darling Spouse has been away on business trips the last 2 weeks I think he was afraid I would go completely insane if he denied me this) I m happy to report that my manicure is in tact after 10 days as well as my pedicure... I am in LOVE with this stuff. cute short polished, unchipped nails... that last longer than 10 hours. This makes my list of FAV products wih mr clean magic erasers and the bounce bar.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
10 years later
I remember everything about that morning. I remember rushing around. getting ready...I was going to be late for work because I hadnt slept a wink crying over the end of things with boy who i wouldn't remember except that he is tied to this awful day. I remember being annoyed that the phone was ringing and that my mom was calling when she knew I should already be on my way to work. I just wasnt in the mood. I remember being even more annoyed as she urged me to turn on the tv because the world was ending (dramatic much). And then I remember standing there in disbelief with my roommate watching those unbelievable images. Having no clue what was really happening what it all meant. I drove to work in a daze, and when I arrived , my boss was filling the office with tvs and radios, he had brought his gun in with him (gotta love a country boy) we searched the internet for updates. The day was all kind of a blur, I was worried for my family and not so worried about that boy anymore. I remember wondering why people would want to bring children into a world like this.
10 years later and its all still so vivid. I am still in awe of the heroes of that day and of the people who have become heroes because of that day. I will never forget.
10 years later and its all still so vivid. I am still in awe of the heroes of that day and of the people who have become heroes because of that day. I will never forget.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Its not even 8 am and my plan for the day has already changed...
I had planned to FINALLY get some first day of kinder pics up here, and to tell the story of that morning. AND to show you some pics of how the adult living room is coming together... but those will once again have to wait.
It isnt even 8 am yet and the Hubs has left on another business trip. thats 2 weeks in a row. SAD face. and I have a child with an awful ear ache. So i will wait for the Pediatrican's office to open and drag my kiddies there to get that handled. This is the life of Mommy. and even though it kinda sounds like I am complaining ( i might be a little bit) I cant imagine it being any other way...
Oh but I am grateful that there isnt banging and noise outside the window just yet, the city workers have not arrived to finish repairing the water main that busted IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE on Saturday. Yea good times.
So for now i will enjoy my coffee and the little peace and quiet I have before this day really starts.
It isnt even 8 am yet and the Hubs has left on another business trip. thats 2 weeks in a row. SAD face. and I have a child with an awful ear ache. So i will wait for the Pediatrican's office to open and drag my kiddies there to get that handled. This is the life of Mommy. and even though it kinda sounds like I am complaining ( i might be a little bit) I cant imagine it being any other way...
Oh but I am grateful that there isnt banging and noise outside the window just yet, the city workers have not arrived to finish repairing the water main that busted IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE on Saturday. Yea good times.
So for now i will enjoy my coffee and the little peace and quiet I have before this day really starts.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Healthy teeth...
The GRITS (girls raised in the South) had their dental check ups this morning. It was Kier and Adee's 1st time. They all did GREAT, almost no tears. I LOVED the office, which I was nervous about. Its hard making the transition to "strangers" but all went well. Cailin has some "extra" work to be completed ( can you say cha-ching? ugh) but the rest were cavity free. This makes for a happy mommy. and happy GRITS, they came home with finger puppets, stickers, tattoos, new Dora books, oh yeah and Princess toothbrushes, flossers and toothpaste. It was a goodie fest!!!!
Monday, August 15, 2011
She is super cute...
BUT she is super devilish! Love my Deegalicious BUT today ...well today she nearly made me lose my mind. The highlights are.....she threw wet chalk all over the side of the house, she took everything out of her dresser, she cut the string on my bedroom blinds( she has such a wretched past with scissors I AM glad it was the blinds and not her hair!!!), the list goes on and on. This lil lady keeps me on my toes, and always has mischief in her eyes!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Right Now
I am sitting a the table with 3 coloring girls. and one sweet baby napping. I am reminded how blessed I am. to be here, present, with them ALL the time. And it isn't always easy. In fact some days I am not sure how I am gonna get up and do it again the next day. BUT I do. and SOMETHING, even a teeny tiny simple thing will happen and remind me why it is all worth it. The great days, the bad days, the really messy ones. I wouldnt trade them for anything.I love this crazy beautiful chaotic mess. This is my life. ♥
Monday, August 8, 2011
Today is the Day...
Day 1 of my new diet. The start in the journey to my old body. The body I have been missing. The body I want to carry me into old age.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
1st Cheer Practice
Cailin is a Bronco's Cheerleader this year! Today was her very 1st practice! She obviously didnt want her picture taken.... BUT mommy was snapping away |
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Texas Tuesday....
Only in The Republic....
Do police officers still talk on their cell phones and eat their lunch WHILE driving
People still ride in the back of a pick up ON THE FREEWAY (( have I mentioned Texans drive like maniacs???? ))
Do police officers still talk on their cell phones and eat their lunch WHILE driving
People still ride in the back of a pick up ON THE FREEWAY (( have I mentioned Texans drive like maniacs???? ))
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Texas Tuesday
Oh, how real mexican how we've missed you. This makes the Things We LOVE about Texas list. Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android |
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Writing our own Fairytale...
So, yesterday was our 8 year anniversary....of the first date that never ended. It seems like the years have passed so fast, and then it also seems like we've always been together. Writing our own fairytale. And there have been plenty of evil witches and trolls along the way, believe me. But one thing has always been true. That man is my knight in shining armor. My champion. Whatever life has thrown our way he has been right there by my side. Steadfast and true. He is such a gift. And I am so lucky. I hope I never forget that.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Today I...
Drove to the store and back to my new house WITHOUT navigation AND did NOT get lost. Wore a dress ALL day AND liked it. Experienced my FIRST Texas thunderstorm Got a tiny bit closer to making this house a home for my lovies The End. Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android |
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Happy 2nd Birthday Kieryn Kingsleigh!!!

2 short years ago a tiny 10lb 13oz angel joined our family... Kieryn Kingsleigh, you are the kindest, sweetest, most caring lil girl. We love you so much!!
Happy Birthday Kier Bear!!!!!!!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Happy 1st Birthday Adysen Alexandrea

ONE year ago this lil angel joined our family. We all love her ((even if it took SOME of us ((((cough cough Kieryn)))))) awhile to realize it

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!!!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The Sweetest Sounds
Everyday, after I put Kier and Adysen down for their afternoon nap I linger outside their room to listen. They always "talk" to each other. I wonder what they are saying since neither one of them is really talking yet. But its obvious they understand each other because they laugh and giggle and respond to one another. I always hear how twins are extra close...I have to wonder if the same is true of Irish twins. Although all my girlies are close, theirs seems to be the closest bond.
Friday, March 4, 2011
5? Already????

Our Big girl turned 5 today.
Cailin Lorelei you are more loved today than the day you were born....and who coulda ever imagined that was possible.
Happy 5th Birthday Princess Cailin.
'Til that day you came along
My heart was empty
Like the soul was missing from a song
And I thought I'd loved a few YEAH
No one ever made me feel
The way that you do Unwritten Law- Cailin
Friday, February 18, 2011
The End of an Era...
When I woke up today the HUGE collection of baby stuff((play pens, bumbo seats, clothes, bouncy chairs)) was gone. And although I had helped pack it all up last night, it still seemed odd. Felt off.
I have spent the better part of the last 5 years bringing babies into this world. And I am unbelievably blessed to have 4 perfect, healthy, beautiful little girls. And even though I turned in my child bearing card awhile ago. It hit me, square in the face. This is it. No more babies. I have to say it made me a little sad. I LOVED being pregnant. and now that part of my life is over.
But the sadness passed, probably from the euphoria of reducing a MAJOR amount of clutter. i hate clutter.But also because There is something comforting about knowing that my family is complete. That the scenery may change, my girls are gonna grow, Daddy and I will age, but it will be the six of us against the world. and that makes me happy.
I have spent the better part of the last 5 years bringing babies into this world. And I am unbelievably blessed to have 4 perfect, healthy, beautiful little girls. And even though I turned in my child bearing card awhile ago. It hit me, square in the face. This is it. No more babies. I have to say it made me a little sad. I LOVED being pregnant. and now that part of my life is over.
But the sadness passed, probably from the euphoria of reducing a MAJOR amount of clutter. i hate clutter.But also because There is something comforting about knowing that my family is complete. That the scenery may change, my girls are gonna grow, Daddy and I will age, but it will be the six of us against the world. and that makes me happy.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
It always comes full circle....
So i have been thinking, and over thinking, and obsessing as I always do.
and i dont know why i do this... Plans are for people in control of their own lives. I believe that our path is set, we just have to learn to walk along it.
Current example... 6 plus years ago, a man offered Daddykins a job guessed it Houston. and i said NO WAY, i would NEVER live anywhere but Orange County! I had a job i liked, a life i loved. and here we are 6 years, 4 kids, and a ton of moves later doing what? Moving to Houston. Guess I always had to take the long way...
and i dont know why i do this... Plans are for people in control of their own lives. I believe that our path is set, we just have to learn to walk along it.
Current example... 6 plus years ago, a man offered Daddykins a job guessed it Houston. and i said NO WAY, i would NEVER live anywhere but Orange County! I had a job i liked, a life i loved. and here we are 6 years, 4 kids, and a ton of moves later doing what? Moving to Houston. Guess I always had to take the long way...
Saturday, February 5, 2011
We have an annoucement...
and NO, we arent having another baby!
Daddy, Mommy and the Fultz 4 are future Texas residents.
Daddy's job is relocating us so that "the team" is all together. We are excited (and anxious and scared and optimistic and planning and obsessing and overthinking) for our new adventure.
I always thought I would make a great Southern Belle, and although it may be a little late for me... I am hoping the girls get cute southern accents!! So we are going to enjoy the spring here in Whatcom county and will be saying our farewell sometime in June in hopes that we can get settled and adjusted in time for Cailin to start kindergarten and Reegan preschool.
Right now its all just starting to sink in, I have so much research to do ((Did you know there arent ANY Trader Joe's in the entire state of Texas????? the horror)) so many lists and plans to make. But I will say this... I am excited, ecstaic, ALMOST giddy to be moving somewhere with a REAL mall!!!
Daddy, Mommy and the Fultz 4 are future Texas residents.
Daddy's job is relocating us so that "the team" is all together. We are excited (and anxious and scared and optimistic and planning and obsessing and overthinking) for our new adventure.
I always thought I would make a great Southern Belle, and although it may be a little late for me... I am hoping the girls get cute southern accents!! So we are going to enjoy the spring here in Whatcom county and will be saying our farewell sometime in June in hopes that we can get settled and adjusted in time for Cailin to start kindergarten and Reegan preschool.
Right now its all just starting to sink in, I have so much research to do ((Did you know there arent ANY Trader Joe's in the entire state of Texas????? the horror)) so many lists and plans to make. But I will say this... I am excited, ecstaic, ALMOST giddy to be moving somewhere with a REAL mall!!!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
And the Journey Begins...
I am a blog stalker. I admit it. Sometimes it takes me places I wish it never had. Other times it takes me to something magical. That is what has happened here... I am OBSESSED with, at first because I was trying to get my scrapbooking started, and now THIS.
One little word.
I signed up, started the first prompt. My journey has begun.
MY one little word?
complete tasks. complete wellness. complete weight loss goal. complete focus. it goes on and on and on.....
One little word.
I signed up, started the first prompt. My journey has begun.
MY one little word?
complete tasks. complete wellness. complete weight loss goal. complete focus. it goes on and on and on.....
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