Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Ground Beef Story.

Life with girls, or life with MY girls at least cannot be much different than life with boys.

This morning I smelled a MYSTERIOUS aka disgusting, unidentifiable ( i almost wish I hadnt identifed it) rotten sour smell in our den. wait, strike that. in the KIDS DEN, Mommy and Daddy now have our own living room ( i need to post pics, i LOVE my new couch and love seat). I ripped that bad boy apart, COMPLETELY. I tore the covers off the cushions ( they needed to be washed anyhow) I moved all the furniture to one side of the room ( i was a woman on a mission) I drug the area rugs out side for some sunshine, i could not find it ( i even smelt myself to be sure it wasnt me, it wasnt).  Puzzled, baffled but not defeated I walked to the entertainment center and decided I would organize it while I thought of other sources. I opended the drawers and the stench smacked me in the face. I look down on the shelf and i find a ziploc baggie of once frozen ground beef sitting there.  I quickly snatch it up and take it to the trash and grab my lysol arsenol to clean up the smell and mess.  OH. MY. GOODNESS.  Once again motherhood is not for the weak, and especially not for the weak stomached. 

Now for the back story, and the reason why I am not mad... 2 nights ago Cai and Deegs were wrestiling, not fighting, really wrestling...practicing to become UFC fighters in the future wrestling ( i told you they are like lil boys) Deegs hand got squished and cai ever graciously went to find her a cupcake ice pack...but there wasnt one in the freezer ( they were not frozen from some previous episode of a boo boo) Being the smart, quick, considerate, problem solver she is, she grabs this baggy of ground beef and gives it to Reegan. All is well in the world. 

Shame on me for forgetting all about this MIA bag of ground beef.  I will be investing in some more icepacks.

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