Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It's an EMOTIONAL week.

I feel like a crazy person.   I have cried everyday this week.  I am watching my "story" come to an end. And its hard. HARD. I have spent 5 hours a week for nearly 6 years with the people of Pine Valley.  I will truly miss it.  All My Children has been part of my routine since I entered the world of mommyhood, it has carried me thru the isolation that full time parenting sometimes brings.  


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Ground Beef Story.

Life with girls, or life with MY girls at least cannot be much different than life with boys.

This morning I smelled a MYSTERIOUS aka disgusting, unidentifiable ( i almost wish I hadnt identifed it) rotten sour smell in our den. wait, strike that. in the KIDS DEN, Mommy and Daddy now have our own living room ( i need to post pics, i LOVE my new couch and love seat). I ripped that bad boy apart, COMPLETELY. I tore the covers off the cushions ( they needed to be washed anyhow) I moved all the furniture to one side of the room ( i was a woman on a mission) I drug the area rugs out side for some sunshine, i could not find it ( i even smelt myself to be sure it wasnt me, it wasnt).  Puzzled, baffled but not defeated I walked to the entertainment center and decided I would organize it while I thought of other sources. I opended the drawers and the stench smacked me in the face. I look down on the shelf and i find a ziploc baggie of once frozen ground beef sitting there.  I quickly snatch it up and take it to the trash and grab my lysol arsenol to clean up the smell and mess.  OH. MY. GOODNESS.  Once again motherhood is not for the weak, and especially not for the weak stomached. 

Now for the back story, and the reason why I am not mad... 2 nights ago Cai and Deegs were wrestiling, not fighting, really wrestling...practicing to become UFC fighters in the future wrestling ( i told you they are like lil boys) Deegs hand got squished and cai ever graciously went to find her a cupcake ice pack...but there wasnt one in the freezer ( they were not frozen from some previous episode of a boo boo) Being the smart, quick, considerate, problem solver she is, she grabs this baggy of ground beef and gives it to Reegan. All is well in the world. 

Shame on me for forgetting all about this MIA bag of ground beef.  I will be investing in some more icepacks.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Shellac, I LOVE you.

So, I had just about given up on nail polish. I'm a mom and well I wash my hands 10 gazillion times a day. I cannnot have acrylic, wrap, what have you  nails anymore. Too much maintenance and once again I am a mom and long fingernails seem to get in the way or stab kiddies in the eyes (yes, this has happened, multiple times). So i have just opted for a good ole buff to keep em shiny, and even that turns out to be too much work sometimes, have I mentioned I am a mom, a mom of 4??  :):):)   BUT i love the look of a nice well kept short mainicure.  Lindsey at gave such rave reviews about her Shellac pedicure ( she claimed her pedicure lasted over a month with no chipping),someone else said the manicure lasts and lasts.... I decided to try it.  i got both the mani and pedi ( Darling Spouse has been away on business trips the last 2 weeks I think he was afraid I would go completely insane if he denied me this) I m happy to report that my manicure is in tact after 10 days as well as my pedicure... I am in LOVE with this stuff. cute short polished, unchipped nails... that last longer than 10 hours.  This makes my list of FAV products wih mr clean magic erasers and the bounce bar.

Shellac, I love you

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 years later

I remember everything about that morning.  I remember rushing around. getting ready...I was going to be late for work because I hadnt slept a wink crying over the end of things with boy who i wouldn't remember except that he is tied to this awful day. I remember being annoyed that the phone was ringing and that my mom was calling when she knew I should already be on my way to work. I just wasnt in the mood. I remember being even more annoyed as she urged me to turn on the tv because the world was ending (dramatic much). And then I remember standing there in disbelief with my roommate watching those unbelievable images. Having no clue what was really happening what it all meant. I drove to work in a daze, and when I arrived , my boss was filling the office with tvs and radios, he had brought his gun in with him (gotta love a country boy) we searched the internet for updates. The day was all kind of a blur, I was worried for my family and not so worried about that boy anymore.  I remember wondering why people would want to bring children into a world like this. 

10 years later and its all still so vivid.  I am still in awe of the heroes of that day and of the people who have become heroes because of that day.  I will never forget.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Its not even 8 am and my plan for the day has already changed...

I had planned to FINALLY get some first day of kinder pics up here, and to tell the story of that morning. AND to show you some pics of how the adult living room is coming together... but those will once again have to wait.

It isnt even 8 am yet and the Hubs has left on another business trip. thats 2 weeks in a row. SAD face.  and I have a child with an awful ear ache.  So i will wait for the Pediatrican's office to open and drag my kiddies there to get that handled. This is the life of Mommy.  and even though it kinda sounds like I am complaining ( i might be a little bit)  I cant imagine it being any other way...  

Oh but I am grateful that there isnt banging and noise outside the window just yet, the city workers have not arrived to finish repairing the water main that busted IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE on Saturday. Yea good times. 

So for now i will enjoy my coffee and the little peace and quiet I have before this day really starts.