Last February when the news of Tom and Gisele's nuptials broke a very wise, inspiring woman said, " Tom Brady is NO Garrett Fultz". My 1st thought was DUH! I'd have a huge house and a much nicer car if he was! BUT its one of those things that has stuck with me, whispers in my ear almost daily to remind me that I have a one in a million--Not sure they still make this model-- FANTASTIC husband. As I type this he is sleeping with a LOUDLY snoring,sick baby Kier on his chest cause its the only way she will sleep right now so that I could get some rest. (Why am I blogging when I should be sleeping? INSOMNIA, pregnancy induced insomnia but I did get almost 3 hours rest before it kicked in) I had a point...oh yes. After a leaving this house at an obscenely early hour for work, and a few hours at school tonite my darling husband came home found time to chit chat with me about an array of nonsense, care for our sick baby to give me a break, do homework and vacuum the living room. I am so blessed!!! REALLY! My cup runneth over! And all I can hear in the back of my head is...Tom Brady is NO Garrett Fultz. So Gisele, you can keep your devilishly handsome, million dollar quarterback. I have a better man than I could have dreamed up on my own!!!
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