Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Disneyland 2009

I have been thinking and thinking and thinking on how to share our Thanksgiving vacation with you.... the best way I can possibly think is to share different days and events....

SO... I decided to start with the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH!!!!

Growing up in Orange County I think I took for granted that Disneyland was down the street... As kids my mom took my sister and I there once a year and if family came to visit it was more often than that! But i have found a new appreciation for the Mouse House... it was a whole new experience being there with our babies, watching them enjoy it. What made it better was that one of my oldest , dearest, best friends in the entire world came along too. Tiffany and I have been friends since we were silly 7th graders. We have been thru so much together, and until we moved away we were raising our kids together... Zander is one year and one week older than Cailin, and Abby and Reegan were born 4 days apart... i will never ever ever forget the look on the security guards face as i asked where labor and delivery was so I could see Tiff before Abby was delivered( the poor guy thought i was in labor because i was so BIG!!!) Great Grandma Carol, Great Grandpa Ed and Grandpa Gary also came along for the ride... and 2/3 of the West clan came to visit for a few hours!!! It was a GREAT day that I will never forget... and now that i have rambled on and on.... Have a looksie at some pictures ....









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